This form must be lodged by any individual requiring a tax deduction on a personal contribution. It must be lodged after year’s end. Any personal contribution that has not been included on the form will be regarded as non-concessional.
This form must be lodged by any individual making a downsizer contribution. Multiple downsizer contributions, or contributions to different super funds, require a form for each contribution. It must be submitted within 90 days of receiving the proceeds of sale or the contribution will be regarded as non-concessional.
This form notifies the ATO that you made concessional contributions in one financial year (Year 1) but your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) did not allocate them to you until the next financial year (Year 2).
You should complete this election if contributions have been made to your super, during the financial year from the disposal of certain small business assets, and you: • want to exclude them from the non-concessional contribution’s cap, and • have not reached your indexed CGT cap amount. Note that strict eligibility rules apply.
This is a more complete approach than Specific Advice and should be preferred where the matter relates to a particular fund. A favourable ruling means that you have a guaranteed “green light” provided you have described the matter fully.
Any proposed SMSF activity that could be considered doubtful should be presented to the ATO on this form. If the ATO gives a qualified approval then the activity will probably by OK. If the ATO responds negatively then the activity should not be undertaken. A little time spent on this request now could save considerable cost in the future.
This declaration is required of every new trustee as a legislative requirement. It does not need to be lodged with the ATO but must be held on the Fund file.
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