Privacy Policy
To develop a successful financial strategy, including recommending suitable products which will
meet your needs, we need to consider your personal circumstances and financial goals. We will ask
you for information about your financial situation and needs prior to our initial meeting, or
during our meeting to ensure our advice is appropriate for your circumstances. You have the right
not to divulge this information to us if you do not wish to do so. However, in this case, your
adviser will warn you about the possible consequences and how this may impact on the quality of the
advice provided. Your adviser may also decline to provide advice if they feel they have
insufficient information to proceed. In some instances, we will decline to provide services or
advice if we feel we have insufficient information for the scope of the service or advice
It is also important that you keep us up to date by informing us of any changes in your
circumstances, so we are able to determine if our advice continues to be appropriate. You may
contact us to update your personal information.
We keep a record of your personal information and advice documents for a period of no less than 7
years. On your request, we can provide you with a copy of this information. Charges may apply to
cover external costs incurred as a result of accessing and providing you with this information plus
a 10% administration fee.
To provide our services to you, your personal information may be transferred or disclosed overseas
as some services providers connected to the administration of your accounts and other services we
provide are located outside of Australia. Where information is transferred or disclosed overseas,
we will ensure that our contractual arrangements contain provisions requiring that the recipient
has appropriate data handling and security systems in place to prevent misuse, loss or unauthorised
disclosure in accordance with Australian Privacy laws and standards.
We are committed to implementing a Privacy Policy which will ensure the privacy and
security of your personal information. Any personal information collected from you will be
handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy details how we comply with
the requirements of the Privacy Act in the handling of our personal information. A copy
of our Privacy policy can be found in our website ( If you require further
information, please let us know.
Please note that the information you have provided will be shared amongst certain third parties
• Spark Advisors and any related entity of Spark Advisors engaged to carry out or
assist with its functions and activities (for example compliance and paraplanning services provided
by Spark Financial Group),
• Financial product providers,
• Service providers engaged to provide financial planning related services
including but not limited to paraplanning, compliance (Fourth-Line, Advice RegTech),
administration, estate planning and financial services software (Iress, Umlaut). This
includes service providers located outside of Australia, including Philippines, Vietnam,
Malaysia, India and potentially other countries in Southeast Asia. For a current list of providers
engaged by the Licensee, please ask your financial adviser.
• Companies involved in communicating the information in the FSG to any of the
above parties, may use services such as electronic mail services, cloud storage services
such as Google Drive, OneDrive and/or document creation services.
The information above will be shared as outlined unless otherwise directed by you.
Policy Updates
This Policy may change from time to time and is available on our website.
Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiries
If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy please contact us at:
Northstar Wealth Management
Level 36, Governor Phillip Tower,
1 Farrer Place,
NSW 2000,
0466 181 535
Preparation date: 24 June 2021
Version: 01.21